No. 08

Hello everyone,

Our last two newsletters to you in 2020 made mention of the City of Melville’s proposed Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan.  In October 2020, Melville Council approved the preparation of this master plan by the City with the assistance of external consultants.  Preparation has commenced and information about it is now on the City of Melville’s website at

As part of the Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan, a survey is being conducted to ascertain community views, to help shape the vision for this site.  The site includes part of the area we proposed for Melville Bird Sanctuary - see our proposed boundaries map below.

As supporters of the proposed Melville Bird Sanctuary, you now have an opportunity to advance its cause by completing the Vision Survey at the link above before 9.00am Monday 12 April 2021.  We strongly encourage you to do this.  

The Survey will take only a few minutes of your time (2 minutes is suggested on the City of Melville website).  Most of the questions are multiple choice with Question 5 (How would you like to see the Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore used and celebrated in the future?) providing a space for a short phrase/request of no more than 25 words.   This question allows you to state your support for a Melville Bird Sanctuary at the site.  Considering that some 140 bird species have been recorded in this area, many assume that a bird sanctuary already exists here.  (It doesn't, though it should!)

Below is our proposed boundaries map for the Melville Bird Sanctuary.  Please note that the master plan is for the Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore and only covers our proposed Stage One area of the Melville Bird Sanctuary.   The remaining Pt Walter to Quarantine Park section of  the Melville Bird Sanctuary proposed boundaries (Stage Two) will need to be separately dealt with at a later date.

Lastly, congratulations to Lisa O'Malley for a resounding win in retaining the Seat of Bicton. With her valuable support and the support of Melville Council we will continue to advocate the establishment of the Melville Bird Sanctuary. 
Kind regards,

Tom Lubin and Jenny Christenson
Friends of the Melville Bird Sanctuary 


No. 09


No. 07