No. 15

Hello everyone,

Following are updates on the outcomes of the following Agenda Items:

  • Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan

  • Dog Swim area at Bicton Foreshore 

  • City of Melville’s Cat Management Plan

Following the Ordinary Meeting of Melville Council on 15 March 2022:

Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan (AACFMP)
The draft Master Plan was presented to Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 15 March 2022.
The Minutes of the Meeting are at Minutes - Ordinary Meeting of Council 15 March 2022 - City of Melville ( 

The Audio Recording of the Meeting is at Audio Recording - Ordinary Meeting of Council - 15 March 2022 - City of Melville ( Specific comments on the Master Plan and the Melville Bird Sanctuary are at 3:11:15 to 3:18:15.
Below is Council's Resolution which was carried 12/1:  
At 9:40pm Cr Fitzgerald moved, seconded Cr Sandford –
That the Council:

Acknowledge the Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan as advertised and the recommended changes to the Plan identified in the Summary Table of Key Issues and Enquiries Report.
Investigate the feasibility of progressing the whole of foreshore, precinct based and staging recommendations as the basis for implementing the Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan with funding for projects to be considered individually by Council as part of the annual budget process and Long Term Financial Plan.
Approve the engagement of a suitably qualified consultant to prepare a layout plan for the Atwell Precinct and Melville Bowling Club (ACAH-08) as a Short Term Recommendation.
Appoint a consultant to progress the establishment of the Melville Bird Sanctuary as a Short Term Recommendation.

We’re pleased that the Melville Bird Sanctuary has been included at Point 4 above.  This makes it a specific action item going forward.  More about this in our concluding para at the end of this Newsletter.
Dog Swim area at Bicton Foreshore
Council resolved not to proceed with the establishment of a dog swimming area at Bicton Foreshore.
At 9:12pm Cr Fitzgerald moved, seconded Cr Mair
That the Council:

Does not proceed with the establishment of a dog swimming area along the Bicton foreshore as it is considered incompatible with the high conservation values of the foreshore environment and potentially conflicts with passive community uses at these locations.
Direct the CEO to prepare a report within 4 months as to the options and costs of an education campaign alerting dog owners to the threats presented to fauna (birds and wildlife) and flora by dogs off leash in sensitive areas.

Thanks to Peter Neesham and Lindsay Lloyd for the deputations they made in this matter.

Cat Management Plan
At 7:19pm Cr Wheatland moved, seconded Cr Fitzgerald
That the Council:

Endorses the attached Cat Management Plan 8146-2022-to-2026-cat-management-plan ( and the included objectives and actions. 
Supports the allocation of
a) $27,500 for marketing, communications and education programs; and financial contribution MOU with Cat Haven for 2022 – 2026
b) Approximately $32,000 annually for five years to employ a part time Project Officer to oversea implementation, review and evaluation of the plan; and             
c). Approximately $102,000 (pro rata for approximately six months); or $60 per hour for a legislative officer/consultant to draft a cat local law, to be funded via cost savings in future budgets, rather than funded through an increase in rates.
Requests the CEO to seek external funding opportunities to support implementation of the 2022 – 2026 Cat Management Plan

Thanks to Dr Claire Greenwell for her deputation in this matter.

If you’ve read our newsletter up to this point, thank you!   Cumbersome reading but necessary to appreciate outcomes that will be meaningful for the Melville community.

We attended the Council Meeting last Tuesday 15 March at 6.30pm.  It had a very lengthy Agenda. Kudos particularly to our Mayor George Gear and the entire Council and City staff too, for how matters were handled.  We left at 10.15pm and the meeting was still in progress.

Finally, our thanks to the Council for progressing the Melville Bird Sanctuary proposal to the point where it is now a specific action item going forward.  Our advice from the City’s Director Technical Services Mick McCarthy in relation to Point 4 of the Council’s Resolution viz.

Appoint a consultant to progress the establishment of the Melville Bird Sanctuary as a Short Term Recommendation

is that he and his team (along with DBCA) will be working to determine the best way of implementing it. We'll keep you updated on developments.

Kind regards,

Tom Lubin and Jenny Christenson
Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary


No. 16


No. 14