No. 20

Visit By Minister Whitby, MBS Consultancy, MBS Osprey Chick

Hello everyone,

Well here we are, not far from the end of 2022.  It's been an extremely busy year for us and as we reflect on what has been achieved, we’re pleased to say that circumstances augur well for a Melville Bird Sanctuary in 2023.
Visit and Official Opening of Bird Viewing Platform at Pt Waylen by Minister Reece Whitby
On Monday 5 December, Minister for Environment; Climate Change, the Hon Reece Whitby MLA paid a visit to Pt Waylen to officially open the new Bird Viewing Platform. There were about 20 of us present on a very windy but beautiful afternoon. Leanne Woods, the City of Melville’s Aboriginal Engagement Officer, gave an Acknowledgement of Country and commented that the wind signified an ancestral presence. The birds were out in great numbers as if they knew what was going on…  particularly the Alfred Cove Ospreys – the adult pair and chick as well as the 2nd adult single male. The single male Osprey put on quite a performance for the guests, catching a fish and posing with it in a nearby tree!

The Minister’s comments as well as those of the Deputy Mayor, Tomas Fitzgerald and our Member for Bicton, Lisa O’Malley MLA were most encouraging. At Lisa O’Malley’s invitation, we spoke of the importance, both for the environment and for current and future generations, of establishing the Melville Bird Sanctuary. We acknowledged Lisa O’Malley as a great advocate and supporter.  We also acknowledged the tremendous work done for bird habitat by the Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group (SERAG) and the Bicton Environmental Action Group (BEAG).

The Minister’s visit to open the Bird Viewing Platform and comments made at the time, as well as the MBS Workshop (details below) are milestones towards the establishment of the Melville Bird Sanctuary.   
MBS Workshop 
The City of Melville arranged a half-day Workshop of key stakeholders of the Melville Bird Sanctuary on 25 November 2022 to resolve questions around the Melville Bird Sanctuary and to develop an Action Plan for its future. The key stakeholders were from DBCA, the City of Melville, Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary, Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group (SERAG), Bicton Environmental Action Group, Friends of Attadale Foreshore, Birdlife WA, and Ward Councillors Jane Edinger and Glynis Barber. The facilitator of the Workshop was Dr Kath Broderick, NRM Facilitator, Perth South West. Our Mayor George Gear opened the workshop with very supportive comments and we then got down to business. There was a positive and cooperative mood throughout the workshop. Further information to be provided early next year.  
Birdwatching Walk 7.30am Sunday 11 December 2022 (organised by Birdlife WA)
As Birdlife WA already has a Birdwatching Walk at Alfred Cove as part of its regular Walks schedule, we’ve decided to join them for this Walk.  If you’d like to attend please indicate at this link .   If you’re not on Facebook and wish to attend, please reply to us via email and we’ll forward details to Birdlife WA.  For those coming along, we’ll be meeting at 7.30am, Sunday 11 December in the Troy Park carpark (opp 194 Burke Dr, Attadale).  Please being a pair of binoculars with you as well as a chair and morning tea to have (if you wish) while the leader and participants do a combined bird list at the end of the Walk.  (If you feel unwell, please stay home.)
Alfred Cove Osprey family
As many of you already know, the Alfred Cove Osprey couple have a chick that is almost ready to fledge – possibly even as early as next week. Its been a delight to watch the parents caring for the chick who has now grown to be almost the same size as its parents! Here’s a photo for those of you who haven’t yet visited the Alfred Cove nest. The chick is the one on the left being fed by the adult female. We’re hoping and praying that all will be well and fledging will take place without any mishaps of the sort that happened last year…

And finally - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All
Have a safe, healthy, wonderful Season and thank you for your support and encouragement throughout the year. We all want the same thing and hope to be in a position to give you good news by early next year.
Best wishes,

Tom Lubin and Jenny Christenson
Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary


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