No. 26

World Migratory Bird Day; Progress report on the MBS; MBS Facebook page; Our new website; Local Government Elections

Hello everyone,

Time has flown since our last Newsletter to you in July. Since then, we’ve been on a short holiday in Japan, experienced a beautiful country, had some rest and relaxation, and are now continuing to work on matters related to the Melville Bird Sanctuary. We’d like to provide you with some details:

World Migratory Bird Day – Saturday 14 October 2023

World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is an annual global awareness-raising campaign to celebrate the amazing journeys of migratory birds and to inspire worldwide conservation of these birds and their habitats. Traditionally observed on the 2nd Saturdays of May and October, the two days provide for reflection on the cyclical nature of bird migration.  The theme of WMBD 2023 is “Water: Sustaining Bird Life”. The vast majority of migratory birds rely on inland and coastal wetlands, rivers, lakes, streams and marshes for feeding, drinking, or nesting and also as places to rest and refuel during their long journeys.

On Saturday 14 October, the Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group (SERAG) and ourselves (FoMBS) will host a community event between 8-11am at Troy Park foreshore (entry opp 168 Burke Dr, Attadale) to celebrate WMBD. We’ll be setting up near the foreshore with signs on Burke Drive to direct visitors to our location. (You may even see our signs along Burke Drive in the week leading up to the event.) Welcome returning trans-equatorial migratory birds arriving at the Melville Bird Sanctuary to feed on the mudflats of the Marine Park off the Troy Park. We’d love you to bring your children/grandchildren along to learn a bit about our wonderful migratory and other birdlife. There will be experienced birders on hand and we’ll also be leading some short birdwatching walks. Please bring binoculars if you can. We'll have some spare pairs of binoculars and a few scopes set up to view the birds up close.

This is a free event which will be held weather permitting (however a few drops of rain will not put us off!). Please do try and attend.

Below is a link to some very inspiring music and words written and performed by musicians and co-founders of the Bowerbird Collective Simone Slattery (violin) and Anthony Albrecht (cello). Described as "a musical and visual journey from the continental shores and archipelagos of Australasia to the tundra of Siberia and Alaska, it traces the awe-inspiring odyssey of shorebirds as they draw Invisible Connections across the globe". (Be warned - you may experience tears as you listen and watch.)

Progress report on the Melville Bird Sanctuary

The City of Melville and DBCA meet periodically to discuss a range of issues related to our foreshore.  SERAG and FoMBS have been invited to attend the next meeting on Tuesday 11 October. We’ll be discussing matters including formal mapping of the MBS boundaries and signage within the boundaries of the Melville Bird Sanctuary emphasising "Dog Prohibited Areas" within the MBS boundaries. We’ve already had informal meetings and several email exchanges with the City on these matters.

We’ll also be holding a meeting of our FoMBS Committee on Wednesday 12 October.

More about both meetings in our next Newsletter.

Melville Bird Sanctuary Facebook page

We continue to post information and lots of photos of birds at the MBS on almost a daily basis. We enjoy communicating in this way with our supporters but believe it or not - curating photos can be a time consuming process!  Thank you to the MBS supporters who send us their lovely photos taken at the MBS. Please keep them coming, especially when the migratory birds get to our shores. At the end of this newsletter, is a recent photo taken by Gareth Evans of a Common Greenshank – the first sighting of a trans-equatorial migratory bird for the season at the MBS– so extra special. Thanks Gareth!!

Our new website

We’re looking forward to having a website to replace our existing blog hopefully by Christmas. We have an experienced group working on it ‘as we speak’.

Local Government Elections

Please remember to vote in the Local Government Elections which close at 6pm on Election Day, Saturday 21 October 2023. You should've by now received your voting papers in the post.  While voting is not compulsory, the candidates who take on the roles of Mayor and Ward Councillors can have a substantial impact on our day to day lives by the decisions they make.  So please vote with care.

We encourage you to speak with your local candidates on issues such as their commitment to the environment, support for wildlife as well as local issues of importance to you. Ask how they’ve been active and what their achievements are. You can find brief details including contact details for all candidates at this link Candidates Local Government Elections - City of Melville (

Till we’re in touch again –

All the best,

Tom and Jenny

Tom Lubin and Jenny Christenson
Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary


No. 27


No. 25